Do you intend to own a plot in Visakhapatnam Urban development area?

Please approach VMRDA with details - VMRDA is here to help you and guide you

Do not purchase any plot from any layouts, not approved by VMRDA. Final Layouts approved by VMRDA with L.P.No. and authentication of VMRDA are valid.

Do not purchase a plot in tentative layouts with BLP No. since it is only a provisional layout. B.L.P.No. is only provisional permission to develop     infrastructure but not a permission to sell the plots. B.L.P. No. can be cancelled if infrastructure is not developed by the seller.

Final layout plan means the following infrastructural facilities should be available on ground.

WBM roads

Pucca Drains

Avenue plantation

Street Lighting

Water supply arrangements

Provision of public open place.

After verification of the above facilities and also confirm from VMRDA whether L.P. is given or not.

Do not be misled by alternative ads of developers and prize bonanzas, which would lead you loss of money and mental agony without layout approval

Panchayat approved layouts are not valid and do not purchase the site from such layouts.

Check up details of survey nos. village name/firms name either by Fax/Phone or through website whether plots in VMRDA approved layout or not.

Before purchase a plot be sure whether it involves Government lands, ULC lands, D-form patta, Assignment lands, Temple Lands etc.,

Purchase a plot in the approved layout of VMRDA bearing Layout Plan Number only.

Do not purchase a plot with the Block Layout Plan (BLP), since it has been tentatively taken up for development and is not completed fully as per    specifications and the final layout plan is not yet approved by VMRDA.

The Government in G.O. Ms. No.489 M.A. dt.7-8-96, delegated the powers of change of land use to the Metropolitan Commissioner, VMRDA for the regularization    of unauthorised Gram Panchayat approved layouts that existed prior to the approval of the Master Plan i.e., 23-5-89. Take advantage of this facility and    rush to VMRDA for regularization with complete information and conversion fees.

Do not purchase plots for industrial development in a non-industrial zone. This is land-use violation and the industrial buildings are not permissible in    such areas and such developments are not entitled for building plan approvals, loan facilities, industrial license and electricity facility. The conversion    to industrial use zone shall need the Government sanction with payment of conversion fees. It is also a long drawn process.

Strictly follow the development as per the land use plan as approved by the Government.

Government is the only competent authority for change of land use.

Before the purchase of land for any purpose, verify with VMRDA whether those particular survey numbers are under acquisition by VMRDA.

Do not purchase VMRDA allotted plots from people it has been allotted to without prior sale permission from VMRDA.

Make all your payments to VMRDA either through a Bank Demand Draft favouring "The Metropolitan Commissioner, VMRDA" or through challans available with    VMRDA. For further details and verifications


Please contact

PHONE No.2754133, 2543213, Fax No.:0891 - 2754189
E-mail: mcvmrda[at]gmail[dot]com


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